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in Vista [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2011-05-31
,Windows 7 Key
   with some of the authentic:   Microsoft debuted its Windows Encounter Index (WEI) instrument in Windows Vista being a approach to measure the relative performance from the elements in your Computer. As this sort of, each key hardware device in the Pc, such as the microprocessor, RAM, graphics (for your UI and for a lot more superior duties), and difficult disk, is assessed and awarded a sub-score; and also the lowest scoring part is employed as the foundation for that system's general WEI score. In basic, a higher-scoring Computer will perform far better, general, than a lower-scoring Pc. Likewise, a higher-scoring part on one Computer likely performs much better than a lower-scoring element on a second Computer.  ...
Vista Property (www.vista123.com), really like the internet, fell in love with Vista123.com
in Vista, Microsoft launched a technique of score functions, some by means of the program built to measure a number of the core hardware elements including CPU, RAM,Microsoft Office 2010 Serial, graphics card and tough disk efficiency. In general,Windows 7 Home Premium Product Key, the greater scores and superior hardware overall performance.   Check your machine with Vista  , as within the last move in installing Windows seven, consumers will need to endure the process of scoring system. Having said that, unlike with Vista, WIndows seven of the test will not like Vista then lengthy. Not surprisingly, you can actually also manually run late very own.   take a look at the technique scoring system scores   examine the content material of ratings:   * Processor.  * Memory (RAM).  * Graphics.  * Gaming graphics.  * Main hard disk.   take a look at the meaning of scores:   one.0 to one.nine - based on points, even when only 1.0,Windows 7 Starter Sale, also signifies to Windows seven the minimum specifications for the   two.0 to two.9 - excellent performance. Windows Aero may perhaps be readily available   three.0 to 3.9 - Windows Aero undoubtedly can allow   four.0 to 4.9 - even in high definition display or dual exhibit will have a great performance   five.0 to 5.9 - can run high-end gaming, 3D modeling software program and high-definition video editing software   six.0 to six.9 - help for DirectX 10
  seven.0 to seven.9 - powerful performance     summarized in Vista, the system is used to raise the score of the user to begin method configuration issues. Nowadays, the market has nobody laptop or computer can not run Aero,Windows 7 Home Basic, although WIndows 7 is obviously inside the low-end devices run much more smoothly than Vista. So why Microsoft really should continue to update this perform? I feel, mainly to allow customers to fully grasp the efficiency with the machine it your self, but additionally to some extent misleading to some unneeded hardware upgrades.

Vista Household (www.vista123.com): Translation】 【Vista Residence Win seven points in the scoring technique means what?







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