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[新闻]Ancient Song [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2011-06-04
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Ancient Song - Ethnic Folklore Collection
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Further reading: Open Category: literature, poetry, poetry, Han Dynasty, the Qin and Han literature I have to improve the
works of the original works of information works as an appreciation of works of genre note book content Folk Songs About Information Works 【Name】 Song of the original works of ancient poetry autumn winds blow worry kill ①. That is also unhappy,Tiffany elsa peretti gemstone open heart pendant, into also worry. Block the person who is not pregnant worry about? I am old and gray. Biao Hu to the wind more than ②, trim any trees ③! Increasingly far from home, belt she at slowing down. Mind can not be made, the wheels turn in the intestine ④. [1] Note ① Xiaoxiao works: Han Feng Zhisheng. ② Hu in: home north of ancient barbarian, so after generation refers to the north. Biao (biāo) Wind: Storm. ③ trim: and ④ think: sad. Two is that the end loop in the heart of unspeakable sadness, as if the wheels rolling. [2] works appreciate this poem, without any human feeling has been brewing on,Tiffany elsa peretti star of david pendant, at the very start it was the sorrow of the school of heavy cage cover - a boundless desolation of autumn, a melancholy joy of despair without drinking, this has led to were gloomy intolerable. Moreover, there was endless autumn wind, always in the off-balance . People can not help but feel sorrow that plagued the hero, actually how difficult aversion, no escape. By this disturbance, not only the hero of a people: The Xinfu. On nothing more than to worry about who the hero, heard nothing but sorrow sigh - such a day, so energy loss from their youth, speed up the aging of the period to come. No wonder the hero to send out More than one, blindly write Readers can not help but ask: Who is the hero poem? Why he was so troubled? Section poetry, the mystery is solved for the reader: Both the hero and call of Contact below For travelers who first came to beyond the Great Wall, that But as Hu Shuzu and lived to see the vastness of the sand used, see how many green. Autumn and winter,Tiffany elsa peretti open heart lariat, only the wind whistling Biao, and always shook sparse high trees. It may taste a big upset. They can evoke, and can only be a thousand worries, thinking the situation thousands of miles. Read here, the reader can be realized: The reason why the hero reason. In such a heartbroken man's eyes, whether it is Therefore, two seemingly paint a portrait, has written real worry, with the above If we say that sorrow can be encouraging people to aging, it is first brought to people, it is haggard and thin. But the poet did not Kenming words, but clever use of Shuzu thin as a skeleton of a shape, and thus beyond the Great Wall single queue at the desert, gazing silently off Wanli Township: hearts full of sad thoughts, even if there are a thousand words, but also difficult to express. To describe such a state of pain, ink is difficult to do it well. But people in extreme pain, often particularly active imagination to pen the bottom out of the mouth will often strange language. The hero of this song, for writing a chest pain is difficult to distraction, actually came up with With rolling wheels turning in the intestines, no persuasion to write the songs protagonist feeling of anxiety, the image must teach people really surprised. Precisely because of this, thousands of miles away from home that the pain Shuzu Wyse, the intensity of shock was a stronger chord with readers, people whom can not erect moved. Some people think that From the above analysis we can see, it should be is Qiang Han military forces on several occasions, more than a decade-long war have continued. The court will Tangong and incompetent to make the battlefield the soldier away from home This is The song lyric melt, paint a portrait in a furnace, in the Qi Yu suddenly set, its wheels into the rumbling, rolling incessantly in the intestine. Writing this emotional image, showing the Han folk songs in the lyric art, how great strides have been. To work with it Bimei, in the Han Dynasty, perhaps only [3] as a genre of Chinese folk customs and songs of a genre Folk Songs. To ancient myths, legends for the content, reflecting the eyes of the Ancestors in the process of creation of folk songs. Spread mainly ethnic minorities in southern China, also known as Old songs are immature period of the universe of human society,Tiffany signature pendant, human origins and social phenomena childish understanding and wonderful imagination. From all ethnic groups and singing ancient songs form the content test, which appears in all ethnic groups around the end of primitive society,Tiffany locksarc lock pendant, or the early stages of class society. More representative of the ancient songs of the Yi's scraping wood base and so on. Song of the major concert in the ancient customs and traditions of all ethnic groups of people activities, and more at the festival, worship, marriage, funeral and other ceremonial proceedings, by the shaman, deacon, or old and highly respected within the clan singer singer, solemn atmosphere. The form of mostly singing solo, duet and a collar are also public and. Dance can also be accompanied by some dancing and singing, most of them showed simple, profound style of singing. Old songs sung by various ethnic groups in the creation content, broadly similar, most of the process surrounding the creation ─ ─ epoch-making, human origins, human development, to expand Syria sing. Such as the spread in the Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Great Yao Yi areas, ③ ─ ─ Love and Marriage Love, marriage customs, and its related interpretations; ④ ─ ─ funeral customs and funeral remembered the dead and so on. Old song lyrics, length of growing up, rich in content, its structure is a long rhyme. Concert, the 4 or 8 to 1 segment, several segments to repeatedly sing the same tune. Although the ancient song transfer characteristics due to ethnic differences vary, but can be broadly summarized into two types: one is the chant of the song or a song is a lyrical tone. Such as the Hmong are the former Its characteristics are not represented by a short constantly repeated phrase or passage, a narrow range, generally does not exceed the octave range. Close spoken tone, rhythm, beat more freedom, with a narrative song, rap music features. The latter, such as Yi, It features tunes paragraphs outline clear,Tiffany elsa peretti color by the yard necklace, before and after the phrase more than the corresponding structures. Wide range, often beyond the octave, and some even up to twelve degrees,Tiffany metroheart pendant, undulating melody, full of singing. From the general point of view, the ancient songs in the music and the national language, customs maintain close contact, and retain the inherent characteristics of Traditional Music,Tiffany paloma's crown of hearts charm, and other types of long narrative songs and Folk Songs of the pitch structure, more or little is being affected by the tone of the ancient songs. Book Information


Title: The Ancient Song of: Collecting Zhou Liangpei Press: Yunnan People's Publishing House Time: 2010-10-1 ISBN: 9787222066809 Book Size: 16 Open Price: 16.00 yuan old Dai Introduction Song Lu-yu Song a chrysanthemum wedding song Battle Hymn of the blame song transfer cover housing Naxi ancient song Hunting song three 达勒乌萨米 term travel sad postscript publishing more Atlas Atlas Reference 1
Poetry Writing with a dark plain language of melancholy homesickness, the atmosphere tragic. This poem to King and emotion, feeling excited, a crash down, thrilling. Especially the last two sentences of the Is also a genre of Chinese folk songs.








只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2011-06-04
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