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[问题求助][Debian] 请教,编译qsopcast时出现错误 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2009-05-01
系统d.ebian testing    外汇
在编译前安装了li.bqt4-core libqt4-dbus libqt4-dev libqt4-gui libqt4-qt3support libqt4-sql python-qt4 python-qt4-common qt4-designer qt4.-dev-tools q.t4-doc qt4-qtconfig qt4-qmake这.些包           女人
xxxxx# make
g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SH.ARE.D -.I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g+.+ -I. -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/i.nclude/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include./qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4 -I. -I.moc -I. -o .obj/cha.nnel.o channel.cpp
In fi.le included f.rom channel.cpp:21:[成人用品]
header.h:6:19: error: qvbox.h: 没有那个文件..或目录.
header.h:7:19: error: qh.box.h: 没有那个文件或目.录[成人用品]
header.h:13.:19: error:. qhttp.h: 没有那个文件或目录<性病>
header.h:.22:21: error: qsocket.h: 没.有那个文件或目录.
header.h:26:18: .error: qd.om.h: 没有那个文件或目录.
he.ader.h:28:23: erro.r: qptrlist.h: 没有那个文件或目录外贸
In fil.e included from cha.nnel.cpp:22:--- 印刷
channel.h:17: erro.r:. ‘WFlags’ has not been declared域名
channel.h:24: error: ISO C+.+ forbids declaration. .of ‘QValueList’ with no type服务器
channel.h:24: error: ..expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token          婚庆
channel.h:39: error: ‘QLi.stViewItem’ has not. been declared--- 印刷
channel.h:40: error: ‘QListViewItem’ has no.t been declar.ed.
channel..h:41: error: ‘QListViewItem’ has not be.en declared             汽车
I..n file included from channel.cpp:23:.
mainwindow.h:20: error: ex.pected. class-name before ‘{’ token.
In file included from channel.cp.p:2.4:<性病>
mylistitem.h:7: error: expect.ed class-name before .‘{’ token    外汇
mylistitem.h:14: error: ex.pected `)' before .‘*’ token[成人用品]
my.listitem.h:19: error:. ‘QListViewItem’ has not been declared    健康
mylistitem.h:25: error: expected `)' before .‘*’ t.oken电脑
mylistitem.h:38: e.rror: exp.ected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘&’ token(        游戏          )
mylisti.tem.h:39: error:. ISO .C++ forbids declaration of ‘QColorGroup’ with no type    外汇
mylistitem.h:.56: error: ‘QLi.stViewItem’ has not been declared投资
mylis.titem.h: In constructor ‘MyListItem::MyListItem(Q.ListView*)’:          婚庆
mylistitem.h:.9: error: class ‘MyListItem’ does not have any field nam.ed. ‘QListViewItem’电脑
mylistitem.h: In constructor ‘.MyListItem::MyListItem(QListView*,. int*)’:学习
mylistitem.h:19: error: class. ‘MyListItem’ does not have any f.ield. named ‘QListViewItem’电影
mylisti.tem.h: In member. function ‘void MyLis.tItem::paintCell(QPainter*, int)’:.
myl.istitem.h:40: e.rror: expected `;' before ‘_cg’.
mylistitem.h:40:. warning: statement has no effe.ct虚拟主机
mylistitem.h:42: .erro.r: ‘_cg’ was not declared in this scope虚拟主机
mylistitem..h:42: error: ‘QColorGroup’ is not a class or namespac.e.
mylistitem.h:43.: error: ‘QColorGroup’. is not a class or namespace外贸
mylistitem.h:45: .error: ‘QListViewItem’ has not been. declared电影
mylistitem.h:45: error: ‘column’ was not declared .in .this scope(广告)
mylistitem.h:45: erro.r: ‘width’ was not dec.lared in this scope虚拟主机
mylistitem.h:45.: error: ‘alignment’ was not decla.red in this scope(广告)
m.ylistitem..h: In member function. ‘int MyListItem::compare(int*, int, bool) const’:.
mylistitem.h:64: error: ‘..text’ was not declared in this scope.
mylistitem.h:64: error: request for member ‘text’ in ‘* i.’, .which is of non-class t.ype ‘int’电影
myli.stitem.h:65: error: ‘QListViewItem’ has not been decl.ared学习
In fi.le include.d from pageplay.h:6,--------------彩票
               .  from .channel.cpp:28:[成人用品]
./myhbox.h:. At global scope.:.
./myhbox.h:9: error: expected class-nam.e before ‘{’ tok.en.
./myhbox.h: In co.nstructor ‘My.HBox::MyHBox(QWidget*, const char*)’:.
./myhbox.h:12: error: class ‘MyHBox’ does not ha.ve any field named ‘QHBox.’.
In file include.d from .channel.cpp:30:           女人
tabwidget.h: At gl.obal sco.pe:健康
tabw.idget..h:17: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘QPtrList’ with no ty.pe.
tabwidget.h:17: error: exp.ected ‘;’ befor.e ‘<’ token          婚庆
channel.cpp:35: error: ‘WFlags’ .has not been .declared.
chan.nel.cpp: In constructor ‘Channel:.:Channel(QWidget*, const char*, int)’:    健康
channel.cpp:.37: error: invali.d static_cast from type ‘QWidget*’ to type ‘MainWindow.*’(        游戏          )
channel.cpp:37: error: no matching function for call to ‘QListView:ListView(QWidget*&, const char*&, int&’http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_94b8e503d334f2e.gif[/img]           鲜花
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qlistview.h:190: note: candidates are: QListView:ListView(const QListView&http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_94b8e503d334f2e.gif[/img]           鲜花
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qlistview.h:137: note:      .           QListView:ListV.iew(QListViewPrivate&, .QWidget*)投资
/.usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qlistview.h:.78: note:                 QLis.tView:ListView(QWidget*).
cha.nnel.cpp.:40: error: ‘addColumn’ was not declared in this scope    美容
channel.cpp:51: err..or: ‘setRootIsDecorated’ was not declared in this scope外贸
channel.cpp:70: error: ‘.IO_ReadWrite’ was not declared in this sco.pe(        游戏          )
cha.n.nel.cpp:76: error: ‘class QProcess’ has no memb.er named ‘setCommunication’学习
ch.annel.cpp:76: er.ror: ‘Stdout’ is not a member of ‘QProcess’.
chan.nel.cpp: At. global scope:    健康
channel.cpp:93: error: prototype for ‘void Channel:nListItemClicked(QListViewItem*)’ does not match any in class ‘Channel’http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_c83c7cca86332e4.gif[/img]<性病>
channel.h:39: error: candidate is: void Channel:nListItemClicked(int*)http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_c83c7cca86332e4.gif[/img]           鲜花
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel:nButtonChannelToggled(bool)’:http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_c83c7cca86332e4.gif[/img]          婚庆
cha.nnel..cpp:113: error: ‘class QProcess’ has no member named ‘clearArgumen.ts’.
channel..cpp:1.14: error: ‘class QProcess’ has no member named ‘addArgument’.
channel.cpp:115: erro.r: ‘class QProcess.’ has no member named ‘addArgument’虚拟主机
chan.nel.c.pp:116: error: ‘class QProcess’ has no member named ‘addArgument’.
channe.l.cpp:117: error: ‘cla.ss QProcess’ has no member named ‘addArgument’           建材
channel.cpp:118: error: .no mat.ching function for call to ‘QPr.ocess::start()’域名
/usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qprocess.h:96: note: candidates are: void QProcess::start(const QString&, const QStringList&, QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_94b8e503d334f2e.gif[/img]             电子
/usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qprocess.h:97: note:                 void QProcess::start(const QString&, QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_94b8e503d334f2e.gif[/img]             电子
channel..cpp:123: error: ‘class QProce.ss’ has no member named ‘arguments’    健康
channel.cp.p:124: error: ‘.class QProcess’ has no member named ‘processIde.ntifier’
channel.cpp:125: error: ‘class QProces.s’ h.as no member named ‘processIdenti.fier’              乙肝
channel.cpp:127: error: ‘class QToolBut.ton’ has no member.. named ‘setPaletteForegroundColor’    外汇
channel.cpp: In member function .‘void C.hannel::wgetStdout()’:.
channel.cpp:135: error:. ‘class QBuffer’ has no m.ember named ‘writeBlock’    外汇
channel.cpp:135: error: ‘class Q.Process’ has no member named ‘readStd.out’
channel.cpp:136:. error: ‘class QBuffer’ has no member named. ‘at’             电子
channel.cpp:142: error: ‘class QToolButton’ ha.s no member named ‘setPalette.ForegroundColo.r’              乙肝
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel:nWgetExit()’:http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_c83c7cca86332e4.gif[/img]电影
channel.cpp:151: error: .‘class QToolButton’ has no member named .‘setOn’学习
channel.cpp:.159: e.rror: ‘QDomDocument’ was not declared in this scope           鲜花
c.hannel.cpp:1.59: error: expected `;' before ‘doc’域名
channel.cpp:16.0: error: ‘doc’ was not dec.lared in this scope.
channel.cpp:167: error: ‘clear’ was not .de.clared in this scope    健康
channel.cpp:179: error: ‘QDomNode’ .was not de.clared in this scope           女人
channel.cpp:179: erro.r: expected `;'. before ‘group’           建材
channel.cp.p:18.0: error: ‘group’ was not declared in this scope    美容
channel.cpp:.182: error: inva.lid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListVi.ewItem’投资
menubar.h:9: error: forward declar.ation o.f ‘struct QListViewItem’.
cha.nnel.cpp:183: error: invalid us.e of incomplete type ‘struc.t QListViewItem’投资
menubar.h:9: error: forward declaration of ‘struct QListView.Ite.m’.
c.hannel.cpp:185: error: expected `;' before ‘channel.node’虚拟主机
channel.cpp:186: error: ‘chann.elnode.’ was not declared in this scope.
channel.cpp:191: error: no matching function for call to ‘MyListItem::MyListItem(QListViewItem*&, MyListItem*&’http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_94b8e503d334f2e.gif[/img]域名
mylistitem.h:19: note.: candidates are: MyListItem::M.yListItem(QListView*, int*.)健康
mylistitem.h:9: note:                 MyListItem::MyListItem(QList.Vie.w*)[成人用品]
mylistitem.h:7: note:                 MyListItem::MyListItem(const MyListItem&http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_94b8e503d334f2e.gif[/img]           女人
channel.cpp:1.92: error: expected `;' before ‘.namenode’[成人用品]
channe.l.cpp:193: er.ror: ‘namenode’ was not declared in this scope(广告)
channel.cpp:196: error: ‘class My.ListItem’ has no member named ‘setT.ext’           建材
channel.cpp:200: error: ‘c.lass MyListItem’ .has no member named ‘setText’电影
channel.cpp:209: error: ‘class MyListItem’ has no. member. named ‘text’健康
channel.cpp:218: error: ‘class MyLis.tItem’ has no member .named ‘text’    外汇
channel.cpp:219.: error: ‘class MyListItem’ h.as no member named ‘text’电影
channel.cpp.:23.6: error: ‘firstChild’ was not declared in this scope.
channel.cpp:237:. error: ‘childCount.’ was not declared in this scope    美容
channel..cpp:237: error: ‘stateopen’ was not dec.lared in this scope          婚庆
channel.cpp:241: err.or: invalid .use of .incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’              乙肝
menubar.h:9: error: forward declaration of ‘struct .QListViewIt.em’              乙肝
ch.annel.cpp:242: error:. invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListVi.ewItem’电脑
menubar.h:9: error: forward declaration. of ‘struct QListView.Item’          婚庆
channel.cpp:. At. global scope:             电子
channel.cpp:249: error: prototype for ‘void Channel:nRightButtonClicked(QListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int)’ does not match any in class ‘Channel’http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_c83c7cca86332e4.gif[/img].
channel.h:40: error: candidate is: void Channel:nRightButtonClicked(int*, const QPoint&, int)http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_c83c7cca86332e4.gif[/img]             电子
channel.cpp:277: error: prototype for ‘void Channel:nMouseMoved(QListViewItem*)’ does not match any in class ‘Channel’http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_c83c7cca86332e4.gif[/img]域名
channel.h:41: error: candidate is: void Channel:nMouseMoved(int*)http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_c83c7cca86332e4.gif[/img]            杀毒
channel.cp.p: In member function ‘virtual void .Channel::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent.*)’:--------------彩票
channel.cpp:286: error: .invalid .use of incomplete type ‘struct QMouseEvent’          婚庆
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qwidget.h:71: error: forward declaration of ‘struct. QMouseEv.ent.’
channel.cpp:289: error: invalid use of incomplet.e type ‘struct. QScrollBar’           鲜花
/usr/include/qt4/Qt.Gui/qabstractscro.llarea.h:.51: error: forward declaration of ‘struct QScrollBar’              乙肝
channel..cpp:290: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘st.ruct QScrollBar’            杀毒
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qabstractscrollarea.h:.51: .er.ror: forward declaration of ‘struct QScrollBar’.
channel.cpp:292: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘.struct QScrollB.ar’.
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qab.stractscrollarea.h:51: error: forward declaration. of ‘struct QSc.rollBar’[成人用品]
channel.cpp:293: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘st.ru.ct QScrollBar’           鲜花
/usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qabst.ractscroll.area.h:51: error: forward declaration of ‘struct QScrollBa.r’健康
channel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channel::toggl..eChannelSort()’:            杀毒
channel.cpp.:303: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QPopupMenu.’(广告)
menubar.h:8: error: forward declaration of ‘struc.t QPopup.Menu’[成人用品]
cha.nnel.cpp:304: error: ‘setSortColumn’ was no.t declared in this scope           建材
channel.cpp:306: error: ‘setSortColumn’ was not declared in.. this scope.
chan.nel.cpp: In member function ‘void Channe.l::toggleNullChannel()’:[成人用品]
channel.cpp:313: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct. QPopup.Menu’.
menubar.h:8: e.rror: forward declaration of. ‘struct QPopupMenu’.
channel.cpp:315.: error: ‘firstChild’ was not declared in. this scope           女人
chann.el.cpp:317: error: i.nvalid use of incomple.te type ‘struct QListViewItem’
menubar.h:9: error: forward declaration of ‘struct QLi.stV.iewItem’.
ch.annel.cpp:326: error: invalid use of in.complete type ‘stru.ct QListViewItem’             汽车
menubar.h:9: error: for.ward dec.laration of ‘struct QListViewItem’学习
channel.cpp:328:. error.: invalid use .of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’             电子
menubar.h:9: .error.: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’投资
channel.cpp:332: error: inv.alid use .of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem.’外贸
menubar.h:9: er.ror: forward de.claration of ‘struct QListViewItem’           鲜花
channel.cpp:335: error: invali.d use of incomplete type ‘struct QL.is.tViewItem’.
menubar.h:9: error: forward declaration of ‘struct Q.List.ViewItem’(        游戏          )
channel.cpp:33.6: .error: invalid use of incom.plete type ‘struct QListViewItem’.
menub.ar.h:9: error:. forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’健康
chann.el.cpp:338: error:. invalid use of inco.mplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’电脑
menub.ar.h:9: error: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewIt.em’          婚庆
channel.cpp:341: error: i.nvalid use. of incomplete type ‘struct QLis.tViewItem’<性病>
menubar.h:9:. error.: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’教育
channel.cpp:343: error: invalid use .of incomplete type. ‘struct QLi.stViewItem’             电子
menubar.h:9: error.: forw.ard declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’.
cha.nnel.cpp:345: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘st.ruct QListV.iewItem’    美容
menubar.h:9: error: forward declara.tion of ‘st.ruct QListViewItem’.
channel.cpp: In member .function ‘void Channel:.:switchChannelColor(int)’:--- 印刷
channel.cpp:353: error:.. ‘firstChild’ was not declared in this scope--------------彩票
c.hannel.cpp:355: error: invalid u.se of. incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’电脑
menubar.h:.9: error: forward declaration of ‘stru.ct QListViewItem’          婚庆
channel.cpp:357: error: i.nv.alid use of incomplete type ‘struct QList.ViewItem’<性病>
me.nubar.h:9: error: forward declaration of ‘struct QListView.Item’.
channel.cpp:359: error: invalid use of incom.plete type ‘struct .QListViewIte.m’域名
menubar..h:9: error: forward declaration of ‘.struct QListViewItem’教育
channel.cpp:3.65: error: i.nvalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewI.tem’             汽车
me.nubar.h:9: error: forward declarat.ion of ‘struct QListViewItem’          婚庆
channel.cpp:367: err.or: invalid use of incompl.ete .type ‘struct QListViewItem’.
menubar..h:9: error: forward declaration of ‘stru.ct QListViewItem’电脑
channel.cpp:36.9: error: inv.alid us.e of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’          婚庆
menubar.h:9: error: fo.rward dec.laration of ‘struct QListViewItem’
channel.c.pp: In member function ‘void Channel::updateOpenSta.te()’:虚拟主机
channel.cpp..:377: error: ‘childCount’ was not declared in this scope    美容
channel.cpp:377: error: ‘stateopen.’ was. not declared in this scope.
chan.nel.cpp:379: error: ‘firstChi.ld’ was not declared in this scope.
c.hannel.cpp:382: error: invalid use of incompl.ete type ‘struct QListViewItem’.(        游戏          )
me.nubar.h:9: error: forward declaration of ‘struct QL.istViewItem’电影
channel.cpp:387: error: invalid use of incom.plete type. ‘struct QListVi.ewItem’           建材
menubar.h:9: error: forward .declaration of ‘struct QListV.iewItem’              乙肝
channel.cpp:392: error: invalid use of. incomplete type ‘s.truct QLis.tViewItem’投资
menubar.h:9: error: .forward declaration. of ‘struct QListViewItem’域名
channel.cpp.:397: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘stru.ct QLis.tViewItem’.
menubar..h:9: error: forward declaration of ‘struct QListV.iewItem’.
channel.cpp: In member function ‘bool Channel::SopMatch(QString&, QString&, QString&’:http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/126_6804_94b8e503d334f2e.gif[/img]             汽车
channel.cpp:411: error: ‘class QString’ has no member. named ‘fi.nd’    美容
channel.cpp:4.17: e.rror: ‘class QString’ has no member named ‘find’域名
channel.cpp:421: error: ‘firstChild’ was. not declar.ed in this scope<性病>
chan.nel.cpp.:423: error: invalid u.se of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’    美容
menu.bar.h:9: error: forward declaration .of ‘struct QListViewItem’.
c.hannel.cpp:425: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘str.uct. QListViewItem’服务器
menubar.h:9: erro.r: f.orward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’教育
chan.nel.cpp:426: error: invalid use o.f incomplete type ‘struct QListViewIt.em’电脑
menubar.h:9: error:. for.ward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’电脑
channel..cpp:427: error: inval.id use .of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’外贸
menubar.h:9: error: forwa.rd declaration of ‘struct QListV.iewItem’.
c.hannel.cpp:430: error: invalid. use of incomplete type ‘struct QLis.tViewItem’    健康
men.ubar.h:9: err.or: forward declaration of ‘struct QListViewItem’.
c.hannel..cpp:432: erro.r: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct QListViewItem’(广告)
menubar.h:9: error: forward de.c.laration of ‘struct QListViewItem’.
make: *** [.obj/chan.n.el.o] 错误 1    外汇

qsopcast是在http://code.google.com/p/qsopcast/downloads/list下载的0.3.5的版本             电子








只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2010-04-14

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2010-04-14

QUOTE:原帖由 kns1024wh 于 2008-11-29 16:53 发表

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