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system 2009-03-15 02:48


DELSTARTDELEND来源:http://www.wow.com/2009/11/09/cataclysm-the-exhaustive-list-of-old-world-changes-so-far/                    作者:Michael Sacco http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/89_6910_ceec3f8b248dc93.gif[/img] 电脑

http://upload.bbs.csuboy.com/Mon_1004/89_6910_c319ab2306645c9.jpg[/img]          婚庆
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is coming. Sometime. We're at that point now where  has been over for a few months and Blizzard is being pretty stingy with new information in the meantime. It's a definite dry spell, but the same thing happened with Wrath -- and then the Friends and Family Alpha began, and all bets were off.虚拟主机
魔兽世界 - “大灾变”(World of Warcraft: Cataclysm)就要来了,我们知道,到现在为止,暴雪嘉年华(BlizzCon)已经结束有2个多月了,而暴雪在新消息的.发布上变得相当的.小气,到现在为止,迟迟没有什么新鲜的.新闻,而在这个期间任何事情都有可能会发生--  针对亲友员工的.测试也许就会在这段期间内开放也说不定。.

And while the F&F Alpha for Cataclysm hasn't started yet (believe me, we'd know), that doesn't mean you can't stay informed. There've been bits and pieces of new info released, in PC Gamer magazine, on Twitter, and elsewhere on the internet. And we like to keep track of that! What's come out is mostly new information on what's going to happen to Azeroth. And we just recently decoded this planning map of Cataclysm zones, which is where some information comes from..
虽然目前针对“大灾变”的.亲友测试还没有开放(相信我,我们已经了解到了- -),但这不意味着你们只能傻傻的.等待通知。现在,已经有1些零零碎碎的.新消息已经发布在PC Gamer 杂志上、Twitter 上以及互联网的.任何地方。我们很乐意时刻保持追踪这些信息!接下来要说的.就是将要发生在艾泽拉斯上的.1些主要的.新信息,同时,我们也解读了关于“大灾变”区域变化的.计划蓝图,有些信息正是来自于此。            杀毒

So what this .arti.cle is meant to be is a compendium .of all known changes to old-w.orld zones .that.'ll occur in Cataclysm, sorted by continent an.d zone. We'll update whenever new information is released..
虽然你可能已经看到了1些相关的.新闻和杂志,但.是.总体上来说你对旧大陆各个区域究竟哪些.发生了大的.改变.,并不是全部十分都了解。所以,这篇文章旨在把现在已知的.1些关于大灾变的.改变告诉大家,另外,1旦有新的.信息变动.,我们也会及时更新。    外汇

D.isclaimer: Some information may be outdated or in.correct by this stage .in. Cataclysm's development!.
免.责声明: 1些信息可能已经过时或者是在“大灾变”当前发展阶段下.是不正确的.!外贸


Ashenvale 灰谷
Overhau.l lev.el: Moderate. 整改幅度:中度          婚庆
Levels 20-25. 等.级范围 2.0-25电脑
Increased orc presence in Ashenvale has resu.lted i.n severe deforestation around the Warsong Lu.mber Camp.灰谷兽人数目的.大量增加,导致战歌伐木营地附近的..树木遭到严重砍伐.。[成人用品]
Horde forces hav..e begun to move in on. Silverwind Refuge. 部落部队已经进入银风避难所教育
Astr.anaar is being .assaulted from the .air by the Horde. 阿斯特兰纳正在被部落空袭。.

Azshara 艾萨拉
Overhaul level.: .High.整改幅度:高度    健康
Levels 1.0.-20. 等级范围 10-20服务器
Goblins have claimed Azsh.ar.a for the Horde and ha.ve reshaped the land into a gia.nt Horde symbol.地精已经.掌管艾萨拉地区,整个艾萨拉将成为1个巨大的.部落领土<性病>
The mo.untains have been mostly destroyed by goblin mining..大部分山区都因为地精进驻并开采矿物而被破坏。..
The goblins have built a city there., linke.d .directly with .Orgrimmar. 地精在那里建造了1座新城市,类似于奥格瑞玛风格。    美容

The Ba.rrens 贫瘠之地.
Overhaul level: Mode.rate (.No.rth) to High (South). 整改幅度:中-高度(北方),高度(南方)            杀毒
North Barrens: 10-20; South Bar.rens, 30-35..  等级范围:北 10-2.0 南 30-35             汽车
The Cat.aclysm has split the Barrens into two separate zo.nes, .North and South Barrens.“大灾变”中.将贫瘠之地分离成两个区域,北贫瘠之地和南贫瘠之地。    外汇
The two zones .are divided .by a huge lava fissure. 两个地区被1道巨大的.熔岩峡谷.分开。.
T.he Alliance .wil.l be moving into South Barrens, setting up camp.s there.联盟将进驻南贫瘠之地,并在那里设立了自己的.营地。             电子
Some of the Barrens, suc.h as the area around Wailing Ca.verns, will be l.ush an.d verdant. due to druidic intervention.部分贫瘠之地,譬如哀嚎洞穴附近,都将会变为热带植物遍布的.繁茂区域。.
Ent.ryway into Mulgore has been reinfor.ced by the tauren.通往莫高雷的.入口会有更多的.牛头.人驻守。          婚庆
Cam.p T.aurajo razed by the Alliance. 陶拉祖营地被烧毁,联盟目前占据了这片.区域。    美容

Darkshore 黑海岸
Overha.ul level: Hi.gh. 整改幅度:高度服务器
L.evels 10-20. 等级范围 1.0-20(        游戏          )
Au.berdine has been destr.oyed by tidal waves.奥伯丁被“大灾变”.引发的.海啸完全摧毁。.
The cata.clysm has ravaged much of the zone.   “大灾..变”使得大部分地区变得面目全非。           建材
The night elves have retreated to the no.rth end of the zone. 暗夜精灵们已经撤往.地图的.北方.。.
The Horde is encroa..ching from the south.部.落从南方入侵了黑海岸。<性病>

Desolace 凄凉之地
Overhaul. level:. Moderate. 整改幅度:中度.
Levels 30-35.等级.范围 30.-35(        游戏          )
The cata.clysm has cracked a hole in the sea wall, allowing water .into. the zone. 大.灾变在海岸线上打开了1个缺口,大量海水灌注了这个区域。电脑
Some of the zone has regrown due to the water coming back.. 由于水.源的.灌入,1些区域恢复了再生.能力。--------------彩票
The covens in the zone appear to. have been partially successful i.n summoning i.n Burning Le.gion demons.这个地区的.恶魔集会貌似部分已经能够成功召唤燃烧军.团的.恶魔。服务器

Durotar 杜隆塔尔
Ove.rhaul level: Moderate.. 整改幅度:轻度--- 印刷
Level.s 1-10.等级范围. 1-10.
Orgrimmar is reinforced with black iro.n a la Warsong Hold.奥格瑞玛进行..了重建并使用大量钢铁加固,看上去更像是伽罗.什的.要塞。外贸
S.ome damage is done to the landscape.  地形.由于大.灾变的.缘故而发生了1些变化电脑

Dus.twallow Mars.h 尘泥沼泽           女人
Overhaul l.evel: Light. 整.改幅度:轻度.
Levels 35-40.等级范围 .35.-40
C.hanges unknown at. this time. 变化目前尚未得知.

Felwood 费伍德森林
Overhaul. level: Moderate.. 整改幅度:中度(广告)
Ne.w leve.l range unknown. 新等级范围未知健康
Cha.nges unk.nown at this time.变化目前尚未得知教育

Feralas 菲拉斯
Overhaul le.vel: Moderate..整改幅度:中度健康
Levels 35-40. ..等级范围35-40电影
Changes unknown a.t this time..变化目前尚未得知教育

Moonglade 月光林地
Ove.rhaul level: L.ight. 整改幅度:轻度--------------彩票
N.o level range. 没有等.级范围--- 印刷
Changes, if any, unknow.n a.t this time.变化目前尚未得知.

Mulgore 莫高雷
Overhaul l.evel.: Light. 整改幅度:轻度            杀毒
Levels 10-.20. 等级范围. 10-20--- 印刷
Changes unknown at this time.. 变化目前尚未得.知.

Silithus 希利苏斯
Ov.erhaul level: Light.整改幅度:轻.度服务器
Levels 5.5-60.. 等级范围 55-60--------------彩票
Changes u.nkn.own at this time.变化目前尚未得知              乙肝

St.onetalon Mountains 石爪.山.
Overhaul lev.el: High. 整改幅度:.高度             汽车
Levels 25-30. .等级范围 .25-30域名
The goblins have ne.arly leveled Stonetalon in with. th.eir mining operati.on.地精的.过度开采,已经把石爪山几乎夷为平地。.
A. canyon has bee.n cut through the mountains leading to Ashenvale.1道大峡谷贯通石爪山,.1直通向灰谷。--------------彩票
An erupt.ion has caused the Ch.arred Vale to. spread even furt.her.1次火山喷发使得焦炭谷的.环境遭到进1步恶化。.

Tanaris 塔纳利斯
Overhaul l.evel.: Light. 整改幅度:轻度             电子
Level.s 45-50. 等级范围 .45-50.
I.t is now possible to t.ravel to Uldum, th.e new high-level zone, via Tanaris. 通往奥丹.姆的.大门现在开始开放,新的.高等级区域,途径塔纳利斯域名

Thousa.nd Needles 千针.石林<性病>
O.verha.ul level: High. 整改幅度:高度学习
Levels 40.-4.5. 等级范围 40-45(        游戏          )
The cataclysm has res.u.lted in Thousand Needles compl.etely flooding. 大灾变导致千针石林被洪水淹没外贸
The p.lanning map indicates a new instance in Thousand Needl.es. 计划蓝图显示,.会有新的.副本出现在.千针石林。.

U.n'Goro Crat.er 安戈洛环形山    外汇
Overhaul leve.l: Light. 整改.幅度:轻度外贸
Levels 50-55. 等级范围 .50-5.5    健康
Changes unk.n.own at this time. 变化目前尚未得知    健康


Alterac Mountains .奥特兰克山脉..
Overhau.l level: Light. . 整改幅度:轻度--------------彩票
Levels 20-25.  . 等级范围.:20-25--------------彩票
Changes unknown at this ti.m.e.   变化目前尚未得知.

A.rathi Hig.hlands 阿拉希高地投资
Overhaul level: Light...  整改幅度:轻度             电子
Levels 25-30.等.级范.围:25-30投资
Cha.nges unknown at this time.变化目前尚未得知.--- 印刷

Badlands 荒芜之地
Overhaul le.vel: High. 整改幅度:.高度              乙肝
New level range unknown. 新.等级范围.尚未得知.
Heavily affected by Deathw.ing's emergence.. Details unknown. 很大程度上受“死亡之翼”出现的..影响而改变,细节不.得知。           建材

Blasted. Lands 诅.咒之地              乙肝
Overhaul le.vel: Hi.gh. 整改幅度:高度[成人用品]
Ne.w le.vel range unknown. 新等级范围尚未得知(广告)
Planning map indicates a large overhaul, but ch.anges are unknown.规划图显示出将会有.大的.修改,但是变化细节目前还.不.知。.

Burning .Steppes .燃烧平原.
Overhaul l.evel: Unknown. 整改.幅度:未知(广告)
Ne.w le.vel range unknown.  新等级范围未知<性病>
Change.s unknown at th.is time.  变化目前尚未得知             汽车

Deadwind Pass ..逆风小径虚拟主机
Over.haul level: Unk.nown.整改幅度:未知           建材
New level range unk.nown.新等.级范围未知.
Changes unknown at th..is time.  变化目前尚未得知           女人

Dun Morogh 丹莫罗
Overhau.l level: Light..整改幅度:轻度--------------彩票
Lev.els 1-10. 等级范.围1-10域名
Changes. unknown at this time. 变化目前.尚未得知(广告)

Duskwood 暮色森林
O.verha.ul level: Light.整改幅度:轻度.
Levels 20-25.等.级范围20-2.5             汽车
Ch.anges unknown .at this time.变化目前尚未得知             汽车

Eastern Plaguela.nds 东.瘟疫之地(        游戏          )
Overhaul.. level: Moderate.整改幅度:中度.
Levels 40-45, .45-.50. 等级范围40-45,45-50.
C.hanges unknown at this time; likely .related to the death of Arthas..变化尚未.得知,可能与阿尔萨斯的.死有所关联(        游戏          )

E.lwynn Fore.st 艾尔文森林.
Overhaul le.vel: Light.整.改幅度:轻度(        游戏          )
L.evels 1-10..等级范围 1-10.
Changes unknow.n at th.is time. 变化目前尚未得知.

Everson.g Woo.ds 永歌森林健康
Overhaul le.vel: Unknown. 整.改幅度:未知.
Levels 1-1.0. 等级范围1.-10教育
C.hanges, if a.ny, unknown at this time.变化,如果有的.话.,还尚未得知(        游戏          )

Ghostlan.ds 幽魂之地域名
Overhaul leve.l: U.nknown. 整改幅度:未知<性病>
Levels 10-20.等级范围 ..10-20           建材
Changes, if any, unknow.n at this t.ime..变化,如果有的.话,还尚未得知            杀毒

Hillsbrad Foot.hills .希尔斯布莱德丘陵学习
Overha.ul level.: Light. 整改幅度:未知
Leve.ls 20-25. .等级范围 20-25.
Sout.hshore lo.st to ti.dal waves.南海镇将被海啸所淹没 (嘉年华上貌似曾透露是被部落占领- -)(广告)

Loch Moda.n 洛克莫丹外贸
Overhaul le.vel: Light.. 整改幅度:轻度
Lev.els 10-20. 等级范围10-.20电影
Changes unknown at this time. 变.化目前尚未得.知          婚庆

Redridge .M.ountains 赤脊山(        游戏          )
Overhaul level: Unknown. .整改幅度:未.知.
Levels 2.0-25. 等级范围 20-.25            杀毒
Changes unknown at this. tim.e.变化目前尚未得知(广告)

Seari.ng Go.rge 灼热峡谷外贸
Overhaul level: U.nknown.整改.幅度:未知(广告)
Le.vels 45-50.等级范围. 45-50<性病>
Ch.anges unknown .at this time.变化目前尚未得知域名

S.ilverpine Forest .银松森林域名
O.verhaul level: Ligh.t. 整改幅度:轻度教育
Levels .10-20.等级范.围10-20             电子
The Greyma.ne Wall has been destroyed, op.ening .the kingdom of Gilneas. 格雷迈恩之墙被摧毁,.开放吉尔吉尼斯王国(        游戏          )
Shadowfang. Kee.p. questline getting redesigned for high-level players. 影牙城堡.将保持任务线为高等级玩家翻新设计--------------彩票

Stranglethorn Va.l.e 荆棘谷     美容
Overha.ul level: High. 整改.幅度:高度          婚庆
New level range unknown. 新等级范围..未知    健康
Blizzard indicated that STV would be one of the. most ove.rhau.led zones. 暴雪表明S.TV (荆棘谷)将是重度调整区域之1。--------------彩票

Swamp of Sorro.ws 悲伤.沼泽.
O.verhaul .level: Moderate.整改幅度:中度.
New level ran.ge unknown. 新等级范.围未知.
Changes unknown at th.is time.变化.目前尚未得知服务器

T..he Hinterlands 辛特兰.
O.verhaul level: Ligh.t. 整改幅度:轻度服务器
Levels 30-35.. 等级范围 30-35.外贸
Changes unknown. at this ti.me.变化目前尚未得知.

Tirisfa.l .Glades 提瑞斯法林地.
O.verhaul level: Light.. 整改幅度:轻度<性病>
Levels 1-10..等级范.围 1-10.
C.hanges unknown at this ti.me.变化目前尚未得知电脑

Wester.n Plague.lands 西瘟疫之地.
Overhau.l. level: Light. 整改幅度:轻度外贸
Levels 35-40.. 等级范围35-4.0.
Changes unknown at this time .but likel.y related to. Arthas' death.. 变化目前尚未得知,不过可能与阿尔萨斯的.死有联系.

Westfall 西部荒野
Overhau.l level:. Moderate.  整改幅度:中度            鲜花
Le.vels 10-20. 等级范围. 10-20外贸
Changes to Deadmi.nes qu.estline fo.r high-level players. 死亡矿井任务线将为高等级玩家重新设计外贸

Wetlands 湿地
Overhaul level: Mo.derate.. 整改幅度:中度 投资
Level.s 20.-25. 等级范围 20-25外贸
Heavy landscape changes t.o the zone due. to the emergence of .Deathwing.大量景观的.调整变化与死亡之翼.的.回归有关。             汽车
P.assage to Twilight Highlands. to the east opened. 往.暮光高地的.道路会在东边开启。           鲜花

关键字:   魔兽   魔兽世界

comcast. 2010-04-21 03:22
WLK 还没开呢,CTM又来了

苦涩咖啡. 2010-04-21 03:22

asterye. 2010-04-21 03:22

快乐崇拜. 2010-04-21 03:22

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