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Susan Miller每日星座运势 2.1- 2.7 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2010-02-11
Monday February 1, 2010
Today, you might revive your interest in your career or public life. You may be building a home-based business, remodeling your home, or caring for a family member now, which could divert your attention from your occupation. The stars suggest that you will have less focus on your job until the middle of next month, when you will be able to focus more completely on your work. Reassess your long-term career goals, and discuss your future plans with a close friend.
周一 二月1号 2010
今天,你可能会重新恢复在职业或是公共生活上的兴趣。你可能会做一些与家庭相关的事物,比如装饰你的房子,或是对你的家人表示关心。这让你把注意 力由工作中转移出来。星星给你的建议是在下月中旬前你都可以减少在工作上的关注。当你再次对工作投入完全的关注的时后,你可以重新评价你自己的长期职业目 标,并和密友讨论你对于未来的计划。
周一 二月2号 2010
Tuesday February 2, 2010
Today, your obligations and responsibilities come first - no time for staying in bed and pulling a blanket over your head. Still, a yoga class, a meditation, or any other way of acknowledging your spiritual side will clear the cobwebs from your mind and help you to prepare for the rest of the week. Soon, the moon in Scorpio will empower you to take action, and you will make an impact.

Wednesday February 3, 2010
Quiet moments at home will be savored. Expect to have a delicious opportunity to enjoy peace and harmony with relatives. The moon will be in your twelfth house of solitude and will be at an angle to Venus, now in your fourth house of home. Your feelings of love and compassion toward your family will be magnified, and this will contribute to a more positive family bond.
周三 2.3 2010

Thursday February 4, 2010
This could be an incredible day for romance! The moon will be in your first house of personality, which will make it easy for you to demonstrate feelings and sentiments to a sweetheart. Since the moon will also link up to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in your fifth house of true love, the day will likely be filled with plenty of candlelight and sweet conversation. It will be enchanting!
周四 2.4 2010

Friday February 5, 2010
If you've been holding tension inside when it comes to a career matter, then you might finally release it. The moon will be in your first house, which tends to bring a greater emotional awareness. Today the moon will square off with Mars, moving retrograde in your tenth house of honors. You might need to vent your frustration about not being able to move ahead as quickly as you'd like now. Just know that "this too shall pass."
周五 2.5 2010
Saturday February 6, 2010
As the lunar cycle winds down, you have a chance to complete a project with flair, particularly if it involves writing, and while you're at it, to nail a financial matter into place. On Thursday, Venus will join Jupiter, the symbol of luck, in your house of romance and creativity, making this an excellent time to concentrate on either area. A blind date, online dating, or a serendipitous real-life meeting could make this a marvelous year.
周六 2.6 2010
由于月亮循环风(虾米东东??)的下落,你可以通过你的天赋来完成一项工作(特别是写作方面的工作)。财政方面的问题将会不再是影响。在周四,金 星和木星(幸运,创造力和浪漫的象征)将会给予你一段令人激动的时间,无论你在任何地方。相亲,网上浪漫偶遇。或是生活中的偶然相遇都会给你带来不可思议 的一年。
周日 2.7 2010
Sunday February 7, 2010
On Sunday and Monday, you could get completely consumed with a plan, idea, or dilemma. A flash of inspiration, clarity, or resolution may be found by the end of Monday. Tuesday can be a straightforward day to hash things out or just get them done. From Wednesday through Saturday's new moon in Aquarius, you are likely to make faster progress. Watch for fresh ideas and projects, new prospects to aim for, and a more lively social life to re-energize you.
周日和下周一的时间,很可能会被用来做计划,想一些新想法,或是摆脱困境。一闪而过的灵光,清晰的思维,或是问题的解决可能会在下周一出现。 下周二将会是事情明朗化的一天,你将解决问题或是放下包袱,从周三到周五新月将会位于水瓶座。事情可能会得到快速的进展。你会有一些新的想法和计划。目标 会出现新的景象。有活力的社会生活将给你带来新的活力







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